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Founded in 1917, the National Music Publishers’ Association is the leading voice advocating for music publishers and their songwriting partners. Its mission is to protect, promote, and advance the interests of music’s creators by protecting their property rights on the legislative, judicial, and regulatory fronts.


We hope you will choose to take part in the many benefits of NMPA Membership. From our advocacy work on Capitol Hill, in the Administration, and in the courts, we are constantly working towards creating a better environment for music publishers and songwriters to do business and thrive.

Annual dues are calculated based on market share. The process will be accomplished in three easy steps:

Step 1. To calculate annual dues based on market share, each member or prospective member must provide its aggregate U.S. music publishing revenue data on a yearly basis. NMPA provides publishers with access to a secure, password protected website where each publisher will receive instructions and access to the Information Form through which the publishers will provide NMPA’s independent certified public accounting firm with U.S. revenue data. The accounting firm will then calculate each member’s market share and, ultimately, its dues. The U.S. revenue data provided by the publisher will be kept in strict confidence by the accounting firm and the NMPA legal department. The deadline for submitting the U.S. revenue data for the 2019 calendar year is April 20, 2020. Please note that providing the U.S. revenue data does not obligate a publisher to become a member in good standing. A publisher will only become a member in good standing by paying dues on or about June 1, 2020, as set forth in Step 3 below.

To submit this as a new publisher member, please request a secure login by clicking here:
If you are a returning NMPA publisher member in good standing for FY 2019, please use your existing login to submit your renewal information here:

Step 2. On or about May 1, 2020, NMPA will send each publisher a Dues Invoice that reflects its dues obligation less any funds already held in escrow by NMPA for those publishers previously executing letters of direction (“LOD”).

Step 3. The deadline for payment of dues is June 1, 2020 (unless otherwise noted). The NMPA fiscal year (FY 2021) will run from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

Please note that we strongly recommend you read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section before you complete your submission.

Should you have any additional questions, feel free to contact Stephanie Li, Director of Membership at (202) 393-6672 or via e-mail

Data Confidentiality and Privacy Policy
Tate & Tryon, the independent certified public accounting firm contracted by NMPA to calculate member dues owed for FY 2021, will gather publisher U.S. revenue data for the calendar year 2019 as well as other information including publisher name, business address, contact information, and HFA P number (which can be found on HFA checks and statements), if available. This information is necessary to establish relative market share and conduct follow-up clarifications if necessary.

Tate & Tryon and the NMPA legal department will use best efforts to keep the information provided by publishers secure, private, and confidential in accordance with its obligations under applicable laws and professional standards. Tate & Tryon also requires all of its third-party vendors to do the same. The data requested by NMPA and Tate & Tryon will be collected through a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypted, firewall-protected website.

Publisher members will be able to access through a confidential, secure portal, their own (but no other publishers’) revenue, market share and membership information, as well as information concerning parties in legal settlement or litigations. Access to the NMPA membership portal will be provided to all members in good standing at the start of each fiscal year.

The revenue data provided by publishers is confidential and will only be accessed by (a) authorized persons at Tate & Tryon and its agent Newtek for the purpose of calculating the FY 2019 dues owed to NMPA, and (b) NMPA’s CEO, legal and membership department to fulfill job duties with respect to the NMPA Membership Program or legal settlements and distributions. More specifically:

Tate & Tryon will only use the information provided for the purpose for which it was submitted. It will not sell, trade, or transfer the information provided in any manner not disclosed in this Data Confidentiality and Privacy Policy.

NMPA will hold publisher information in confidence and will not disclose to any third parties unless such information is required to be disclosed by law. Following the calculation of dues, NMPA member revenue data will be kept for at least seven (7) years until permanently removed from all servers and files.

By using this website, you consent to the Data Confidentiality and Privacy Policy. If there are any questions regarding the policy, please contact NMPA.